Hao Zhang   |   张昊

I am currently pursuing a Ph.D. in the Department of Automation at University of Science and Technology of China, advised by Prof. Zhen Kan.

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Research Overview

My current research interests include formal methods in robotics, reinforcement learning, and dexterous manipulation.


  • [2024/06] 🎉 Two papers get accepted to IROS 2024.
  • [2024/05] 🎉 TALD is selected as Best Paper Award at ICAIS&ISAS 2024.
  • [2024/04] 🎉 TALD gets accepted to ICAIS&ISAS 2024.
  • [2023/06] 🎉 TRAPs gets accepted to IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics.
  • [2023/06] 🎉 T2TL gets accepted to IEEE RA-L.
  • [2022/05] 🎉 MQMT gets accepted to IEEE RA-L.
  • Publications

    Exploiting Hybrid Policy in Reinforcement Learning for Interpretable Temporal Logic Manipulation
    Hao Zhang, Hao Wang, Xiucai Huang, Wenrui Chen, Zhen Kan
    Paper / Website
    IROS (Conference), 2024, Accepted

    we develop a Temporal-Logicguided Hybrid policy framework (HyTL) which exploits three-level decision layers to facilitate robot learning.

    LEEPS: Learning End-to-End Legged Perceptive Parkour Skills on Challenging Terrains
    Tangyu Qian, Hao Zhang, Zhangli Zhou, Hao Wang, Mingyu Cai, Zhen Kan
    Paper / Website
    IROS (Conference), 2024, Accepted

    We develop an End-to-End Legged Perceptive Parkour Skill Learning (LEEPS) framework to train quadruped robots to master parkour skills in complex environments.

    Temporal Logic Guided Affordance Learning for Generalizable Dexterous Manipulation
    Hao Zhang, Hao Wang, Tangyu Qian, Zhen Kan
    Paper / Website
    ICAIS&ISAS (Conference), 2024, Accepted

    We develop a temporal logic guided affordance learning framework for generalizable dexterous manipulations (TALD), which exploits affordance learning and task semantics to further improve generalization performance.

    Task-Driven Reinforcement Learning with Action Primitives for Long-Horizon Manipulation Skills
    Hao Wang, Hao Zhang, Zhen Kan
    IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (Journal), 2023, Accepted

    We develop Task-driven Reinforcement learning with Action Primitives (TRAPs), a new manipulation skill learning framework that augments standard reinforcement learning algorithms with formal methods and parameterized action space.

    Exploiting Transformer in Sparse Reward Reinforcement Learning for Interpretable Temporal Logic Motion Planning
    Hao Zhang, Hao Wang, Zhen Kan
    Paper / Code
    IEEE RA-L (Journal), 2023, Accepted

    We develop a Double-Transformer-guided Temporal Logic framework (T2TL) that exploits the structural feature of Transformer twice.

    Temporal Logic Guided Meta Q-Learning of Multiple Tasks
    Hao Zhang, Zhen Kan
    IEEE RA-L (Journal), 2022, Accepted

    We develop a meta Q-learning of multi-task (MQMT) framework where the robot effectively learns a meta model from a diverse set of training tasks and then generalizes the learned model to a new set of tasks.

    This template is a modification to Jon Barron's website.